On the Causeway Coastal Route, you’ll find fans of the equally breath-taking ‘Game of Thrones’ flocking to film locations along the way. For over 400 years, fans of Bushmills® have had their breath taken away too — in the world's oldest licensed whiskey distillery. It’s just three miles from the highlight of the route, a place that has inspired some tall tales in its time — the awe-inspiring, 50 million-year-old, Giants Causeway.
Among the curious columns and clambering crowds my eye was drawn to the stillness of a seated man, in a world of his own. For a fleeting moment the warm dappled light on him, the sea and the stones, wove him completely into the fabric of the landscape — the image resonated with me. I thought of how we each remember the same people and place a little differently from each other, like the irregularity in the stones of the Causeway — together they form a shared collective memory.
Painting is like a hi-wire act for me, constantly balancing what I see on one side with what I feel about it on the other. My paintings aim to actively shift before your eyes, teetering on the tensions between realism and abstraction to keep the balance.
Unexpected blocks of colour are balanced out with block of more muted tones, as your eye wanders over the composition and you begin to make sense of the scene — what is hidden is revealed.